Hawaii Trip Adventure Recap & Resources Table of Contents
Itinerary & Photo Journal
Podcast Episode
Resource List
1. Diary:
As I sit at my desk with sun-kissed skin wearing a shell necklace, it feels surreal to be home in this space after the most magnificent trip to Hawaii. Celebrating my cousin Savannah’s 30th birthday, this trip pushed me out of my comfort zone in several ways.
For starters, I only just met my cousin for the first time this past December and for only about 30 minutes. We’ve lived on opposite sides of the country all our lives, so when she was in my city selling for her company, Anahata Rae Jewelry, I was able to stop by and meet her. However, our instant connection was undeniable and soon thereafter, she invited me along on her 30th birthday trip to Hawaii. I’m so incredibly grateful for the leap of faith she took by inviting me to join.
I was one of eleven women on the trip, with my cousin Savannah being the only one I’d met up until this point. Being around all these new people was certainly an adjustment, but an easy one, given all of the women were truly remarkable. I felt so grateful being surrounded by such warm, lovely, and generous souls. Each and every girl on the trip brought a different spark and energy. It was beautiful seeing everyone get to know each other and share the incredible experience together. I'm also grateful to have met my other cousin, Carly, for the first time on this trip.
Having such good company during this vacation allowed me to fully submerge myself in the moment. Given all the major life changes I was currently experiencing, it wasn’t until I was thrust into paradise that I realized how much mental chatter I’d been expending my energy on. There were moments on this trip where I faced triggers, wounds, and big feelings. Even when on vacation, sometimes the things we are dealing with come with us. In the tropical environment, with warm sun and perfect breezes, I found myself facing wounds that were in need of the healing Kona lands.
The beautiful “Big Island”, Kona, Hawaii is made up of lava rock. In the metaphysical world, lava rock is an incredibly grounding and transmuting semi precious stone. In my spiritual community, we participate in ancient Mayan fireside ceremonies, releasing into the fire the things, energies, and emotional wounds no longer serving us. Being on Kona was like living inside of a fireside ceremony. With the Earth below my feet emitting a masculine, fiery, grounding, and yet firm energy, for the first couple of days I was extremely emotionally provoked.
At first I was annoyed with myself for thinking and feeling certain things, such as echoes of my breakup, thus resisting the moment and what the provocation was trying to help me clear. Even being on a gorgeous island vacation, I still had moments where I needed to take time to myself to process and look inwards. I still had moments of grief arise and needed to cry and receive support. By observing my annoyance, I realized I had subconsciously put pressure on myself to feel a certain way on this trip, given I was on holiday and nothing in the present moment was wrong.
Fortunately, practicing self-compassion allowed me to remember that I don’t need to put expectations on myself to always be happy, even on vacation. I realized that Hawaii was trying to help me heal and that the only way over was through. I’m extremely grateful I was able to confront the wounds that were requesting acknowledgement. Throughout it all, I moved through moments instead of fighting them, experiencing the duality of both the light and the dark existing all at the same time. Accepting and making peace with this fact allows the dark to not be so scary or heavy, and it allows the light to shine even brighter. By noticing and addressing the shadows head on, I allowed myself to be embraced by my beautiful surroundings and give my worries back to the Earth. I shed the final energies of the heartbreak I experienced and transmuted the lessons into self-love. Since this discovery, the wounds have thankfully been at peace and I was gratefully able to flow through the rest of the trip participating in the moment and feeling safe to be in my feminine state.
At home now, with all of the major life transitions I am undergoing in my life, it was the greatest gift being able to take a break from all the stress and fully participate in life. Viewing the tasks ahead as adventures allows me to remain peaceful and playful. Knowing I deserve to feel this way throughout the process is a gift I am learning to give myself. Hawaii taught me how to go with the flow and remain mindful, giving me the chance to refresh and reconnect with myself.
On another note, Hawaii is several hours behind Atlanta time zone wise, so I did struggle with sleepiness most of the time. However, I reconnected with my sense of physical vitality. Even though my body was tired, the experiences were so invigorating for my mind and soul that my ability to bounce back impressed even myself. I am also grateful for how casual the trip experience was and if anyone needed to take time to themselves or go on an alternative adventure, it was accepted collectively.
We packed so many amazing experiences into the five days we were on Kona Island. I am so grateful for the incredible women on this trip, the friendly people we met along our journey, and for the beautiful memories I carry with me moving forward.
I’ve also heard an echo of the word “brave” over the past couple of weeks. Several people tell me I’m brave for going on a trip with a bunch of people I don’t know, or brave for leaving an unhealthy relationship, or brave for showing up authentically. It’s funny for me to be called brave so often because to be honest, I don’t always feel brave. I feel anxiety, stress, pain, and more, but I choose to keep moving despite those feelings. That must be what bravery is: feeling the fear and doing it anyway. Through this bravery, I felt incredibly alive, surrendered, and exhilarated during the trip. Life doesn’t have to be stressful, forced, or boring. Pain and discomfort can arise, but taking care of myself throughout those moments and asking for support is how I deserve to proceed. I can push myself when I want to and allow myself rest when I need to.
Leaning into this unexplainable feeling of trust, peace, curiosity, and joy has led me towards embracing life instead of overthinking, doubting, or living in fear. I have transitioned into choosing to believe that I am held and protected by my Higher Power by believing in my self-trust, my ability to be vocal about my needs, boundaries, and listening to my intuition.
I look forward to integrating the lessons I’ve learned from this trip into my life, such as letting go and trusting the flow, attracting the right experiences and people, not forcing things that aren’t meant to be, and the healing power of self-compassion.
Thank you, Hawaii, for sharing your beautiful energy with me and reminding me how good it feels to be alive.
I'll love you forever. Until next time,
2. Trip Itinerary & Photo Journal:
Tuesday 1/23: Trip Prep Day
Manicure, Pedicure, Meditation, Swedish Massage, and Divine Feminine Somatic Healing Session with Taraney Nicole.
I’ve found taking a day (or two) off before and after my trips is essential for my mindset. Creating a rhythm of self-care sandwiching long days of travel is crucial for sustaining all the fun and adventures, as well as reintegrating back into my typical life. I had an absolutely wonderful day full of self-care to help me transition into vacation-mode. Beginning the day with journaling, yoga, and a mani/pedi was grounding and energizing. Coming home to eat lunch, meditate, and have an afternoon nap was the perfect recharge. A relaxing Swedish massage helped move more stress out of my body. Then, ending the day with my somatic healing session with Taraney was incredibly cathartic. Her skills and ability to hold space are truly astonishing. For several weeks I have been carrying stress and emotional pain in my body that even my massage therapist couldn’t fully alleviate. This one session with Taraney allowed me to release those emotions and feel sweet relief. I spent the rest of the evening completing final packing steps and submerging myself in relaxing beauty regimens. I’m buzzing with excitement and barely sleep that night!
Divine Feminine Somatic Healing Session:
Taraney Nicole
Womb Priestess & Leader of the Sacred Feminine Arts
Wednesday 1/24: Travel Day
The next morning, I awake bright & early for my 9am flight from ATL to Honolulu. I arrive at the airport fairly early so I can relax, read, and enjoy my breakfast at the gate. I also sneak in a little yoga session in the waiting area while on the phone with my mom. My flight was about 10 hours long; luckily, I was able to nap between watching the Barbie movie and listening to music. I highly recommend a sheet mask for the final 30 minutes of a flight to help refresh your face before landing. I also packed my mini Mario Badescu rosewater face mist and it was divine! I had a 1 hour layover in Honolulu until my final 45 minute flight to Kona/Big Island. I arrive in Kona around 5:30 pm (Hawaii time) and meet up with Melinda, whose flight also landed around 5:30. We are picked up and receive a warm welcome by Kelly E. & my cousin Savannah. Having just been in rainy, cold Atlanta, it's a surreal experience being surrounded by palm trees and warm breezes. We all head to our beautiful home, Ohia Kona Estates, and watch the sunset in the hot tub. It was so much fun hanging out and meeting all of the other women on the trip. Everyone was buzzing with excitement and gratitude.
Ohia Kona Estates
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/ohia_kona_estates/
AirBnB Listing: Click HERE
Anahata Rae Jewelry (Cousin Savannah’s Company)
Thursday 1/25: Adventure Day 1
Waking up to the sunrise at Ohia Kona Estates was a glimpse into heaven. I barely slept (again) due to the time difference. I enjoyed a delicious cup of cacao while chatting with Kelly T. and Melinda. It was a beautiful heart-to-heart overlooking the front landscaping and ocean view. I break away for a little while for content creation before we all caravan to the beach. It was a relaxing, fun, adventurous day and a lowkey way for everyone to bond.
Ohana means family! I'm so grateful to have met my cousin Carly and spent more time with Cousin Savannah. Their cousins, Delaney & Sydney (no relation to me) were so fun, charismatic! [Left Image: Carly, Myself, Savannah Rae; Right Image: Myself, Sydney, Delaney, Carly, Savannah Rae]
Once home in the evening, we eat dinner at our own pace before gathering at sundown for the cacao ceremony. It was truly an honor hosting the ceremony and sharing practices I’ve learned from my dear friend, Gabrielle, of Cacao Wisdom. All of the women were beautifully vulnerable and courageous sharing about themselves in the circle, and the ceremony graciously united everyone. Soon following, we ventured out to Lava Java for a fun night of throwback song dancing. Returning home around 12:30 am Hawaii time, it was time for my first good night’s sleep.

Ceremonial Cacao from Bali for Our Ceremony:
Cacao Wisdom
First Night of Dancing:
Island Lava Java
Friday 1/26: Adventure Day 2
Upon sunrise, Savannah and I were up creating more content for Ohia Kona Estates. Soon thereafter, we all caravan up to Rooster Farms, a delightful artisan coffee farm, for a wonderfully informative and enlightening coffee tasting with Desmond. The coffee was outstanding; I had to come home with a bag (albeit, it'll be my dad's Father's Day gift, but still: I was happy to support the farm)! Exploring the farm was stunning, as everywhere you looked there were gorgeous flowers and greenery. Clara Lucas Balfour, the author, says, “Are not flowers the stars of the earth?”; Hawaii was as lush as the night’s sky. Following the coffee farm tour, we tried to venture to Kanalani Ohana Farm but our navigation skills unsuccessful. Luckily, there would be a Farmer’s Market the following day where they would be.
We journeyed onwards to a Poke restaurant, Honaunau Poke Shop, recommended by Desmond. It was outstanding and the perfect fuel before we continued our adventures by visiting thrift stores. However, before leaving, my eye was also drawn to art prints by a local artist, Rainbow’s Art, and not being able to decide between two gorgeous pieces, I decided both would be coming home with me.

Thrifting was such a fun adventure and we visited several stores, listed below. I couldn’t resist a coconut bra and shell crown as my claimed treasures.
Post-thrifting, we had a mini beach day until sunset and went flower hunting afterwards, returning home to end our night relaxing and making leis.
Rooster Farms:
Micro Roasters & Artisanal Coffee
South Kona/Big Island, Hawaii
Poke Restaurant:
Honaunau Poke Shop
Instagram: Click HERE.
83-5308 Mamalahoa Hwy B, Captain Cook, HI 96704
Local Artist:
Rainbow’s Art
Thrift Stores (All South Kona):
Deja Vu
Found in Hawaii
Second Wind Hawaii Island Treasure
King’s Daughter Ministry Inc.
Creative Costumes
Saturday 1/27: Savannah’s Birthday & Adventure Day 3
It’s Savannah’s 30th birthday!! A handful of us wake up early to surprise Savannah with a kitchen full of decorations. Her reaction was too cute!

We continue the celebration with a yoga class held on the estate grounds by Melinda. She played excellent music and come find out, the music was an album by her partner!
Yoga Session Music:
Adan - Album by Vince Cimo
Click HERE to listen on Spotify
We dress for the Keahou Shopping Center Farmers Market and explore the decadent goodies and friendly vendors (listed below). I can’t resist local honey and bought a jar of Dragon Fruit Honey - Special Reserve by Tai Shan Farms. I was also greatly impressed with the vegan bee company, Bee Boys, and purchased their CBD Honey, Honey Chamomile Calendula Soap, and Ka’u Coffee Lip Balm. We see Desmond again and meet the owner of Kanalani Ohana Farm, where I am excited to purchase their renowned Cacao Tea Elixir.

Keauhou Farmers Market:
Bee Boys, Naalehu, HI
CBD Honey
Honey Chamomile Calendula Soap
Ka’u Coffee Lip Balm
More Honey:
Tai Shan Farms
Dragon Fruit Honey - Special Reserve
Cacao Farm:
Kanalani Ohana Farm
Cacao Tea Elixir
After the market, we head to the beach. At this point, however, I am feeling extremely jet lagged, so Kelly T. and I decided to go on a side quest. We venture to Menehune Coffee Company- Captain Cook on Mamalahoa Hwy. We feast and have a cathartic heart-to-heart before returning to the beach.
Menehune Coffee Company- Captain Cook on Mamalahoa Hwy.

After soaking up the final sunshine rays, we return home to Ohia Kona Estates to relax, recharge, and get ready for Savannah’s birthday dinner at Foster’s Kitchen Kona.
(Embracing Hawaiian elements within my dinner attire!)
(Happy birthday to Savannah Rae! Such a cute speech by Sydney.)

There, a handsome man (let’s call him A) offered to take our photo for us, and after chatting with him for a bit, he invited me and the girls to Laverne’s Sports Bar after our meal.

Once at Laverne’s, the girls and I enjoy the dancefloor once more. Once A arrives, things shift romantically for him and me. It was a very unexpected turn of events for my Hawaii trip and thankfully, my girls were all very supportive. I’m grateful for the healing work I was able to accomplish just a few days prior, as I feel it helped me remain fully present. After releasing what was no longer serving me, I had attracted the kind of energy I have been manifesting since embarking on my Divine Feminine journey. A and I had great chemistry and I felt I had met my dancefloor match. I don’t kiss and tell, but I will share that we had a magical night full of dancing, fun, and romance.
Foster’s Kitchen Kona
Sports Bar & Dancing:
Laverne’s Sports Bar
Sunday 1/28: Adventure Day 4- Final Day
Spending the next morning with A, the same relaxed, mindful energy followed into each moment. With a grateful heart, we soaked up the beautiful island views and each other's presence. I thoroughly enjoyed my time with him and appreciate our serendipitous meet cute.
After some final quality time and breakfast, he returned me to my girls at Ohia Kona Estates, relaxing for a bit before heading to Kona Cloud Forest Sanctuary where we participated in an absolutely divine Sound Bath. The experience was beyond exquisite and moving. The instructor was incredibly knowledgeable, compassionate, and welcoming.

After a blissed-out couple of hours, we return home for a quick hot tub soak before another round of shopping.

After our final treasure hunt and dinner at home, we venture out at 8pm for a nighttime Manta Ray snorkeling excursion with Ocean Encounters. It was pretty intense due to the nautical waves, but absolutely worth it once up close & personal with the manta rays. They were more majestic and thrilling for words. A manta ray brushed its whole fin along my body- so wild! It felt like I received a blessing from an underwater angel. Unfortunately on the boat ride back to shore, many of us were seasick [note: take Dramamine or another anti-motion sickness medicine before going if you’re prone to nausea!]. Once home at Ohia Kona Estates, I showered and went straight to bed, woozy, but with a grateful heart.

Sound Bath:
Kona Cloud Forest Sanctuary
Manta Ray Snorkeling:
Ocean Encounters
Monday 1/29: Travel Day
Our final morning, I’m up bright and early morning to wind up content creation.
A few of us bid the group farewell before riding into the Kona airport together. We exchange final sentiments about our remarkable trip on the car ride together: tears are shed; moments reminisced; growth acknowledged.

With a full heart, we set off of our plane rides. I flew from Kona to Honolulu where I rested during my 3 hour layover. Aboard my final plane home, I watched out of the window as we peeled off the runway atop lava rock and the palm trees disappeared under the morning clouds.
Tuesday 1/30: Travel Day & Arrival
I don’t sleep a wink on my 9 hour flight home, but instead looked through photos, cried and processed my experience, and meditated. Flying into the next day, I arrive in Atlanta around 6:30 am and make it home by 7:30 am. I greet my fur babies, eat some food, shower, and fall asleep for 10 hours. Waking up in the dark evening was tough after being in the bright Hawaii sun, but nothing a phone call with my mom can’t fix! After recounting my adventures for a couple hours, I spend the rest of the night until bed meditating, journaling, and processing my incredible, jammed packed few days in Hawaii.
Wednesday 1/31: Rest & Processing Day
I awake to a heart overflowing with my experience. I spend the day resting, writing this blog, editing videos, and sharing my experience!
All in all, my trip to Hawaii was transformative and restorative, liberating me from the daily stress of life and resetting my mindset to one that can find adventure in every event and remain invigoratingly present in every moment.
3. Hawaii Spotify Playlist:
If you know me, you know I’m a huge music person. I curated a Spotify playlist of songs I listened to throughout or that represent memories from my trip: from the plane ride, to car rides, to the dance floors. Ya know, keep the vibes going! Enjoy it by clicking HERE or below.
4. Podcast Episode & Companion Video:
Listen to me recount memories, sentiments, and lessons learned on this incredible trip.
Podcast Streaming Platforms:
Companion Video:
5. Resource List:
Divine Feminine Somatic Healing Session:
Taraney Nicole
Womb Priestess & Leader of the Sacred Feminine Arts
Ohia Kona Estates
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/ohia_kona_estates/
AirBnB Listing: Click HERE
Anahata Rae Jewelry:
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/anahata_rae/
Ceremonial Cacao from Bali for Our Ceremony:
Cacao Wisdom
First Night of Dancing:
Island Lava Java
Micro Roasters & Artisanal Coffee:
Rooster Farms
South Kona/Big Island, Hawaii
Poke Restaurant:
Honaunau Poke Shop
Instagram: Click HERE.
83-5308 Mamalahoa Hwy B, Captain Cook, HI 96704
Local Artist:
Rainbow’s Art
Thrift Stores (All South Kona):
Deja Vu
Found in Hawaii (crown, bra)
Second Wind Hawaii Island Treasure (dress, shirt)
King’s Daughter Ministry Inc.
Creative Costumes
Yoga Session Music:
Adan - Album by Vince Cimo
Click HERE to listen on Spotify
Farmer’s Market:
Keauhou Farmers Market
Bee Boys, Naalehu, HI
CBD Honey- Amazing
Honey Chamomile Calendula Soap
Ka’u Coffee Lip Balm
More Honey:
Tai Shan Farms
Dragon Fruit Honey - Special Reserve
Cacao Farm:
Kanalani Ohana Farm
Cacao Tea Elixir
Menehune Coffee Company- Captain Cook on Mamalahoa Hwy.
Foster’s Kitchen Kona
Sports Bar & Dancing:
Laverne’s Sports Bar
Sound Bath:
Kona Cloud Forest Sanctuary
Manta Ray Snorkeling:
Ocean Encounters
BIG thank you to all the amazing women & people who made this trip the magical journey it was.
Thank you to the sacred Hawaiian land for the healing energy and perfect hospitality.
Thank you and happy birthday, Savannah Rae!
Savannah Rose